Gili Gede, Sekotong Tengah Lombok Barat 83365 Indonesia
The High Dive (hereinafter “we”, “our” or “us”) is committed to maintaining your privacy. This privacy policy outlines The High Dive's practices with respect to information collected from users who access our website at (“Site”), or otherwise share personal information with us. The policy also contains information about cookies. The following policies are intended to protect your privacy and ensure that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible manner. We encourage you to refer to this policy on an ongoing basis to stay abreast of our most current privacy policy practices.
Personal Information is any information that personally identifies you. When you either make a reservation or just check in, we are required by Law to ask for your personal details such as your name, home address, telephone number and we will also take a copy of your Driver’s License or Passport. We may also obtain from your credit card details, room preferences, disabilities or other lifestyle information. We may also collect certain Personal Information if the law requires us to collect it or receive it from other sources.
Sensitive Information.
Generally speaking, except as stated in this privacy policy, sensitive information will not be used or disclosed for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected without your consent. Where we collect sensitive information from you, we will disclose to you the reason for seeking it. However, we may disclose sensitive information to the police or where required by law, without your consent. Consequences of not providing Personal Information.
If you do not provide us with Personal Information that we consider essential or necessary, we regret the inconvenience, but may have no choice other than to decline your reservation. In addition we reserve the right to request and be provided with Personal Information or Identification.
Primary purpose for which we collect information.
Some of the information that we ask for is essential such as your name and billing details. These are used so we can contact you during your stay for reasons such as security. If you make a reservation, we may also request your contact details, credit card details or the like. This information is used to pay the deposit, a security bond and so we can identify you when you check-in. If you supply lifestyle information it may be used for two primary purposes. The first helps us to try and meet or exceed your expectations. For example, if we know which room you prefer or activities that you would prefer we will aim to deliver these within reason. The second is to make your stay as comfortable as possible by giving you peace of mind. For example, by providing us with information regarding a disability, our friendly staff can take this into consideration when selecting your room. This information may also be used by our staff, contractors or emergency services in the event of an emergency to assist with your well being. Secondary purpose for which we collect information.
Although we may use Personal Information while you are staying with us for the purposes described above, we may also use Personal Information for other purposes. We may use your Personal Information to update you on news, events, and special deals or if we believe we have something to offer you which may be of interest. This will usually be done via ae-mail , however, personal information may also be used if we need to contact you in relation to matters that arose from your stay with us. Who information is disclosed to and why.
We may share General Information with our partners, associated companies and government agencies. Other than as stated in this policy, we will not share your Personal Information with a third party outside of government agencies. You have the right to take your name off our mailing lists at any time without consequence. You may apply to add your name to a mailing list at any time should you desire.
If we have provided credit to you or you do not pay your account on time, or you act in an unlawful manner, we may provide this information to credit reporting agencies, government agencies, other hotels in the area, hotel association bodies, or other relevant parties. We may also use the information for recovery action against you.
Except as stated in this privacy policy, we will not disseminate any Personal Information about you outside of PT Ultimate Gili Gede (and its associate companies) without your consent unless we believe it is necessary: because it is required or authorized by law; to provide you with a service which you have requested; to assist a law enforcement agency or agency responsible for national security in the performance of its functions; to protect our rights or property or those of any member of the public; or to lessen a serious threat to a person's health or safety. We may retain the content of any document (including electronic documents such as emails and other similar forms of communication) that you send to us. Any Personal Information contained within those documents will only be used or disclosed in the ways set out in this privacy policy.
Waiver and Liability.
PT Ultimate Gili Gede (the Company) accepts no liability for the company activities or third parties activities introduced by the company. There is general risk you accept by participating in activities and using the companies accommodation facilities, these risk include force majeure events include acts of war, terrorist attacks, epidemics, pandemics like COVID-19, death, labor strikes, riots, crime or property theft, acts of God, natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis unusual high tides or other abnormal weather events), or acts of terrorism.
Risk of Activity.
1.1 Inherent and Additional Risks
By accepting to stay and or participate in activities you acknowledge that your participation in swimming, sporting, recreational activities including diving, fishing, surfing, trekking, other water or land based sports that take place at the Resort or its surrounded area, involving the use of the Facilities (defined above but not limited to), premises and/or Equipment (defined below), including but not limited to any listed above (the “Activities”) are inherently dangerous, and you fully realise the risk and danger of your participation in the Activities and utilisation of the Facilities (defined below). These risks and dangers include the risk and danger of (i) PHYSICAL INJURY AND/OR DEATH; (ii) drowning or losing consciousness while participating in the Activities; (iii) minor injuries, such as scratches, bruises and sprains; (iv) major injuries, such as joint and back injuries, broken bones, dislocated shoulders, heart attacks, concussions, and lack of hydration; (v) catastrophic injuries, such as brain injury and paralysis; (vi) risks including those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, health condition of participants, use of equipment, vehicular use and traveling to or from an event, actions of other people including other patrons, employees, agents, volunteers, event officials, event monitors and producers of the event.
1.2 Equipment.
The onus is on you to inspect all equipment offered for use by the Resort and will exercise due care with such equipment (the “Equipment”) and ask questions to the Resort’s representatives and/or employees if you do not fully understand how to use either the Equipment or the facilities used by Resort in connection with the Activities (the “Facilities”).
2. Release, Indemnification and Assumption of Risk.
2.1 Release.
I ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY SPOUSE, MY CHILDREN, MY HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS AND ASSIGNEES HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASE, FOREVER DISCHARGE AND WILL NOT SUE OR BRING ANY OTHER LEGAL ACTION AGAINST PT Ultimate Gili Gede, (the Company) or any of its owners, officers, directors, employees, servants, successors or agents (collectively the “Released Parties”) with respect to any and all claims and causes of action of any nature, whether currently known or unknown, that I may have or which could be asserted on my behalf in connection with my or another party’s participation in the Activities (including use of the Equipment and the Facilities), including: (i) claims for any loss, damage, injury, illness, death, medical or other expense and/or property damage that I may suffer or that any other party may suffer, due to any cause whatsoever; and (ii) claims of negligence, breach of warranty, and/or breach of contract.
2.2 Indemnity.
I ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY SPOUSE, MY CHILDREN, MY HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS AND ASSIGNEES HEREBY WILL HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY all the Released Parties from any and all liability, cost, expense, or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever for any property damage or - personal injury to any third party and from any suits, claims or demands, including legal fees and expenses whether or not in litigation, arising out of, or related to my participation in the Activities (including use of the Equipment and the Facilities).
2.3. Assumption of Risk.
I ACCEPT ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY SPOUSE, MY CHILDREN, MY HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS AND ASSIGNEES, freely accept and fully assume responsibility for all dangers and risks related to my participation in the Activities (including use of the Equipment and the Facilities) and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting therefrom. Likewise, I on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my heirs, administrators and assignees acknowledge and understand that the description of the risks and dangers listed above is not complete and that participating in the Activities involves additional risks and dangers, which may include encounters with recreational activities and equipment, limited access to and/or delay of medical attention, mental distress from participation in the Activities and negligence of others. Consequently, I on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my heirs, administrators and assignees understand that there are risks involved in the decision-making and conduct of the Resort’s representatives involved with the Activities, including the risk that an employee, agent or instructor may misjudge (i) my abilities or conditioning, (ii) weather, terrain, route selection, location, or (iii) some aspect of my mental, emotional or physical condition that may make all or a portion of the Activities inappropriate for myself, my spouse and/or my children. I on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my heirs, administrators and assignees acknowledge that property loss, physical injury, and death are all possible from participation in the Activities (including use of the Equipment and the Facilities). RECOGNISING THE RISKS AND DANGERS, I ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY SPOUSE, MY CHILDREN, MY HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS AND ASSIGNS UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF THE ACTIVITIES AND VOLUNTARILY CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN AND EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISKS AND DANGERS OF MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING USE OF THE EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES, WHETHER OR NOT DESCRIBED IN THIS LIABILITY WAIVER, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, INHERENT, OR OTHERWISE.
3. Digital Media.
The Resort, its managing entity, including its personal, and its owner, and any third party authorized by such managing entity and such owner, shall have the right in connection with the Activities to film, photograph, record my voice and make any reproductions of my physical likeness and voice,
(Unless you specifically object) and shall have irrevocable right in perpetuity to use, display, and digitally enhance or alter in any manner, such likeness in any media now known or hereafter devised, including the exhibition, social media or online use in the advertising, exploiting and publicizing of Resort’s services.
4. Medical Care.
You must have travel or medical insurance, the onus is on you, we will use our best endeavors but make no warranties to successfully treat and or resolve your condition. In connection with any injury you may sustain or illness or other medical conditions you may experience during your participation in the Activities or stay, including in use of the Equipment or Facilities, you authorize any emergency first aid, medication and medical treatment deemed necessary by the attending personnel or any Resort’s representative. You acknowledge that any such emergency assistance or treatment may be rendered by persons with training or experience that may not be adequate for certain medical situations or the injuries sustained by you, and you waive any claim in respect thereof in accordance with Section 2 above. You expressly acknowledge that the Activities and the Facilities may be located far from medical facilities and that such distance may exacerbate any injury or condition you sustain. You will pay all costs associated with such medical care and related transportation.
5. Binding Effects.
This Liability Waiver shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, successors, and assignees.
6. Physical Conditions.
If you are physically fit, have sufficiently prepared or trained for your participation in the Activities, and have not been advised not to participate by a qualified medical professional. There are no health-related reasons or problems that preclude you participation in the Activities. You acknowledge that this Liability Waiver will be used by the Resort and any of its event holders, sponsors, land owners and organizers of the Activities in which I may participate, and that it will govern your actions and responsibilities.
7. Miscellaneous.
You acknowledge and agree to the following provisions:
7.1 Rules and Directions of PT Ultimate Gili Gede and Facilities.
While you participate in any of the Activities, you understand and acknowledge that you must follow all rules and conditions governing your participation and follow the lawful direction of staff and management of the Resort or of any Facilities.
7.2 Hazards.
If you observe any unusual hazard during your participation in any Activities, you will immediately remove yourself from such hazard and bring such hazard to the immediate attention of staff present at the Activities or the Facilities. If I have any doubts as to such safety or suitability, I will not participate in the Activities or Facilities and immediately remove myself from the perceived area of danger.
7.3 Minor Child/Ward.
In consideration of and as a strict condition of the child’s participation in the Activities. I hereby entered into this Liability Waiver, according to the terms set out above on behalf of the child identified below intending to legally bind yourself and said child. No individual under the age of 16 years, is permitted into the resort activities without Adult, Parent or Guardian supervision. No individual under 18 years is to use the Facilities, Equipment and Activities without consent. If the guest is under eighteen (18) years of age, this Liability Waiver is accepted by a Parent, Guardian, or accompanying adult.
7.4 Applicable Law.
This Liability Waiver will be governed in all respects by the laws of the The Republic of Indonesia.
The term “including” is used herein with the less than all-inclusive meaning commonly associated with “including without limitation” and “including but not limited to”. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, (i) use of “or” shall be deemed to have the meaning commonly associated with “and/or,” (ii) reference to the singular or plural includes the other and (iii) reference to one gender includes both genders.